Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Biochemical Society

29-31 August, 2024, Budapest, Hungary


University of ELTEThe conference will be hosted by the Campus of Eötvös Loránd University
1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A

Hotels near the Venue (ELTE)

These are the recommended hotels by the organisers. We would like to inform you that no block reservation has been made on behalf of the organisers for HBS Conference delegates. Participants should take care of their hotel reservations themselves individually, separately from the registration arrangement.

University of ELTEibis Sytles Budapest City
1095 Budapest Soroksári út 12.

University of ELTEB&B Hotel Budapest City
1094 Budapest Angyal utca 1-3.

Radisson Hotel Budapest BudaPart
1117 Budapest Dombovári út 25A

University of ELTELeonardo Hotel
1094 Budapest Tompa utca 30-34.

University of ELTECorvin Hotel Budapest
1094 Angyal utca 31.